7:45 wake-up, shower, clean shower
8:30 coffee, plan weekly food menu, start linen laundry
9:15 bike to farmer's market, buy veggies, my favorite Sunday snack a cheese pretzel from Rockenwagner bakery, and a tiny bouquet of freesia, take my time riding back from the market to enjoy what an absolutely gorgeous Southern California day it is
10:30 put linens back on bed, fold other laundry while chatting with a friend by phone, clean bathroom, start cleaning kitchen
11:45 call Landlord and discuss our options regarding subletting our place for a month in April. Call my uncle in Germany to wish him a happy birthday. Start researching flights and travel possibilities. Finish cleaning kitchen while talking to airline booking agent {here, here for multitasking!}
2:00 blog about the last 3 days, post our house available for rent as a sublet on Craigslist....!!!!
3:13 have a beer to celebrate that we posted our house, moving forward with a dream of ours
3:30 work on setting up the new "Fish Bowl", emailing
6:20 prepare carrots for dinner
6:50 meditate {wohoo!~ 2 days in a row, can you feel my calm coming through the computer}
7:15 finish dinner, eat, and watch the last bit of the Winter Olympics. I have to say I've really enjoyed tuning into the Olympics the last couple of weeks ~ a lot of inspiring people and stories.
10:00 goodnight. and the official end of my "typical" week
I have to say I woke up this morning and started mentally tracking my day, then realized that my commitment to this project had officially come to a close and I breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing where my week has gone has been enlightening to say the least. Letting you in to almost every hour of my days over the last week, has felt strange, to say the least ~ but also good practice for me to see what it feels like to share more openly on this blog. I hope it has been insightful for you.
Now it's back to business as usual over here, and today I send you some virtual freesia.