As I head into my 7th year of blogging {seriously?! for someone who really didn't want to start a blog...} ~ officially the longest blog and work break I've taken.
And the reason many of us don't take such long breaks: because when we actually step away for longer than a week or a weekend, breaking the momentum and/or the daily treadmill so many of us are on, we might not want to come back to life and work as we know it = exactly what happened.
Don't get me wrong - I am excited to return, to create and make things, to share them with you {and a little less excited to return to the tasks involved with running a business}. I seriously needed this break and am so glad I took it. Could have been even longer, but then again I think we always feel that way. I thought I'd return after Labor Day, but just wasn't quite ready. So am easing back in to things this week.
I'd be lying if I didn't acknowledge that this book might also be responsible for some {even more than usual} reflection. Just a little light reading, you know, while on vacation. I am presently in the process of changing my mind and my blog ;)
Also the longest break from my usual routine of creating - but as you know, my fellow creatives - we can't totally break from making something with our hands, right? So I knitted a cowl {woot! it's true I started & finished a cowl in a few days - bless thick yarn and big knitting needles - photo to come when it's not 90 degrees out} and I also finished this cross stitch of Miss Fran for my new Iphone case. If you enjoy hand sewing, stiching, you gotta get your hands on one of these.
Alrighty then, the book is at the printer! I'm feeling pretty well rested. Got to know San Francisco and my own city of Los Angeles a lot better. Had a great visit with my family. Did a little sprucing up of the blog, so as per usual no big promises as to what's ahead, but I'm excited to spend time here again, more often. I miss my blog.
Hope August was good to you out there xo