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Turns out that I had a bit of an unplanned blog hiatus last week.
Following my post about not pushing anymore, I legitimately stopped pushing and guess what happened? No more blog posts were added for this past week.
I did however get the opportunity to visit with friends who were in town, and cultivate new ideas that included the beginning to my next line of fabric. I also got the energy and inspiration to record a new podcast for you.
I'm practicing an easier pace in life and in business, and when I tweeted about this earlier - I was asked what I'm doing that's different.
So I hope this will be helpful for you seeking the same.
Two things I mean 3 things 4 things that I still want to share {I always remember something after I stop recording ;)}
- be generous with the time you give yourself to truly complete a task
- learn how to plan ahead so you can also give yourself ample time to prepare and complete projects. nothing like the stress that happens when you are up against a deadline {that wasn't really necessary}
- plan ahead in your personal life too. I'm a girl who loves spontaneity, however the time saved in just the smallest amount of preparation = huge. Ex. planning your meals/activities for the week. I had no idea, how just knowing what you are going to eat when, saves the whole 'what are we going to have for dinner' questions and grocery shopping confusion.
- rest when you need rest