2.5" x 2.5" in a brand new circle shape
There's a story to this one.
I've been sharing, in multiple conversations recently, that I can no longer truly connect with those who aren't willing to reveal their underbelly. Oh I can chat with you, but I'm never going to connect with you. And what do I mean by this exactly?
I meant this: It's life. We all have soft little underbellies. They are our vulnerabilities. And the question is are vulnerabilities flaws? It seems as though that is how they are perceive. In fact, it has been taught to us that's it not a good idea to reveal our vulnerabilities because this makes us appear weak? You see it in the animal kingdom all the time. When one animal shows submission they roll over and reveal their bellies. So it makes sense probably, way down there in our DNA, for us to always try to protect our underbellies. But we are not animals, we are human beings, many of us with an evolved level of consciousness living on the planet at this time. So what I'm suggesting is that if we all have underbellies, what if we started becoming comfortable in revealing them more? You know, I'm not talking about airing dirty laundry will nilly ;) I'm talking about seeing our vulnerabilities as a genuine part of who we are coupled with a willingness to work on them. That's called being human.
The work it takes to communicate with someone who chooses protecting their insecurities and vulnerabilities as their primary way of operating in this world - is too much. Too much work people. I don't have it in me to figure all of that out, before I maybe, just maybe get a glimpse of the real you.
Can't we just save it all that energy for something else, like being creative perhaps?
What's it going to take for us to be real, right away.
To me it is not a sign of weakness to acknowledge your soft little underbelly, accept it, maybe even embrace it. Instead I see it as a sign of strength.
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