First, if you made it past the title of this post, I'm ok! This is not life threatening. While I'm not ready to go into all the details of the procedure, partly because I don't yet know the outcome, it is fairly routine~and I've been told 100 times that I'm in excellent hands with the doctor I am working with. He's a pro. And of course, Sean will be there in the waiting room. So not to worry.
However I will be going under anesthesia and may be having surgery and I will not know whether I've had the surgery until I wake up tomorrow.
Having only been in the hospital once, I sincerely think the last time I was in one as a patient was as a new born baby...could that be? I'm first very appreciative that I'm not all that familiar with hospitals, although I did volunteer at one while I was in college, and second I'm a bit scared. The last and only time I've been under anesthesia was when I had my wisdom teeth taken out, also while I was in college. Although everyone says anesthesia is the best part. Is this true? It might be the one time my mind will be still without whirling thoughts of life and this business, did I mention I think a lot about my business? So in a weird way, while I'm scared, I'm also curious about what this whole experience will be like and kind of looking forward to the mental break. You know I've got put {a positive} spin on this right?
Actually in all honesty, the possible outcome of all of this health hootenanny is likely to be very positive. I hate to talk in such vague terms, because as you know I don't mind being honest and personal on my blog, even if this is mostly my 'art blog' ~ but the truth is that aside from close personal friends and family I'm better at sharing most stories when I'm on the other side. I'm a perspective girl. I like to have a healthy *no pun intended* one when I write in a public forum like the interwebs. And sometimes when you're in the thick of it, that healthy perspective is not to be found.
In fact it's been super challenging keeping my feet on the ground this week. Remembering to try and have grace in the face of fear, yup, that's a tough one. But that's where it's at really. That's when you know you're showing up the best you can be, when you can show up with grace even when you're afraid.
So as you can see, it's kind of synchronistic really that my new Kate Spade Iphone case that I won in a raffle at Alt arrived with this message stamped inside. Sometimes that's all there is to it, we just need to have courage.
I'm a big believer in sending good thoughts for people, so if you have any to spare tomorrow afternoon, I will happily accept them.
Since I do not yet know whether I will be able to come home tomorrow evening or will be staying in the hospital for couple of days, I also don't know what my recovery time will be or when I'll be back to the blog ~ which is why I wanted to keep you in the loop over here. There is some hope I'll be home tomorrow *fingers crossed* and then I'm sure I'll be back sooner rather than later, because you know I'll miss you guys. One way or another, I will try to let you know how it's all going either here or on twitter, because you know the Iphone with the above message stamped on the inside of my cover is coming with me. xo
*Edit Monday morning, February 21* Am home and am resting. Thank you SO much for all your good thoughts from twitter to email to the blog. I am happy to report, they worked ;) While I did undergo a same day surgery, I did not need to have a full on abdominal surgery {insert really big *sigh* of relief here} which would've left me in the hospital for a few days. I was able to come home Friday evening. While still under the influence of pain meds I was able to tweet my return home. Then...let's say my big events for the weekend were sleeping and watching a movie every so often, occasionally moving from the bed to the couch. Post surgery recovery is rather intense, and the will to type, or tweet, let alone open my computer was not there. Which let's be honest, for someone who's rather attached to her computer ~it's also been a nice break. I do not feel like I've rested in this way, since I started this business five years ago, and I think I really need it. With that in mind, plus the fact that every other letter I type here is backwards, I'm going back to bed now and will see you back here sooner than expected. Thank you again. Good thoughts for those near and far really do make a difference.