My friend Susannah has kicked off a community 'digital detox' ~ which I think is such a brilliant idea, it inspired me chat with you as well about this very same topic. Since it's sometimes easier to make these kinds of changes together, I thought you might want hop on board with Susannah. I think she is officially at day 2.
As you know Sean and I have been passionate about re-organizing and simplifying our lives over the last two years. Digital 'cleaning up' has been my personal focus over these last few months. Progress is indeed happening and it feels SO much better.
And then in the last two days I came across Susannah's post and Mark's article, The Key to Creating Remarkable Things, which I tweeted about yesterday {via swissmiss} and have decided that it's indeed time to make more of a commitment to having a very specific routine regarding my digital content input, and time spent on such inputing.
I've been practicing for some time now and I think that's all you can do, is attempt to make a change a little at a time. When you've learned a habit one way, it takes some time to develop a new mode of operating. Of course, it does not make it any easier that the digital age moves incredibly quick which constantly changes the landscape of what we are working with here. This is why I think it's best that we start these conversations now and begin to determine what works for us, what supports the lifestyle we need and want. What supports our creative time!
begin the day with creative work on my own top priorities, with the phone and email switched off ~ Mark McGuinness