6:30 wake-up and go straight to the computer. I felt particularly excited about life yesterday morning, couldn't sleep and got up earlier than usual. Also started tweeting
7:20 feed the kitties {the photo above is how they look at us when they are not so patiently waiting for food}, take my morning shower
8:15 give Garbo a bath. Always an adventure, giving a cat a bath. Although today she was particularly calm. Calm enough for me to take pictures of her with the Iphone during the bath, have my morning coffee
9:30 leave to take Garbo to the Vet
11:00 leave the vet, stop for a chai latte and a croissant at the Coffee Bean, make some phone calls and head to Outi's studio
12:00 visit with Outi and paint a custom mug for a client
2:45 drive back home
3:20 visit with Sean's brother Kerry and nephew Nicolas, while I give Garbo a second bath {because the visit to the vet stressed her out enough to pee in her cat carrier ~ poor girl}
3:30 visit with Sean and process some personal news I got that wasn't the best. I add this in here because so often we have our day planned out and then life happens unexpectedly and this very thing can really throw you off sometimes. I feel that the more I sort this time/balance effort out the more I learn to leave space for the moments when you just have to give in and go with the flow. I also tried to take a little afternoon rest, but to no avail because my mind was spinning and I needed to post to the blog
5:30 work on yesterday's blog post while also watching John Oliver's Stand-Up special on Comedy Central
7:30 tweeting time
7:50 cook dinner ~ chicken and vegetable stir fry with brown rice. YUM!
8:30 eat dinner and wind down for the day
10:00 go to sleep early
I know many of you are thinking of doing this for yourself and aside from the time it takes to keep track of your almost every minute, it is worth seeing just where the day goes and as I mentioned in the comments yesterday ~ if anything, it is a really good opportunity to get a more accurate idea about what you can actually accomplish on any given day. I find it helped me be way more realistic about my to do lists. So, if you feel like it, you can play along with me this week either by sharing your day on your own blog, or keep it more personal. If you do share it on your blog, let me know. I'd love to come visit and see what your typical day is like.