6 x 6 in.
First: Couldn't leave you this week without at least one new creation as promised.
Second: it's time to move on from my last blog post. It was seriously starting to bum me out reading the words "steal"
Third: thanks so much for all your kind and supportive messages. I just want to assure you especially now that the dust is settling, I am really doing ok with all of this. I heard from many of you how many times this has happened to you as well, and as I mentioned before it has happened to me before too ~ so I think we all have to accept that sharing your creations with the world, any creations at all there is a chance this can happen. It's just one small drawback to putting your work out there. And I say small, because it is just that. The benefit of sharing your work with the world far outweighs a situation like this.
What I realize again and again in this life, especially in my creative career, is that no one can keep you from where you are wanting to go. No one can "steal" from you unless you let them and by let them I mean, allow them to crush your spirit. Sadly, and what I think stunned me the most in this situation is the realization that there are people in the world who would even consider behaving in this way. But at the end of the day I can't convince anyone that my way of living is best. And I'm not supposed to. My other realization as I mentioned in my "less is more" post is that I don't really want to convince anyone anymore either. We can't change others we can only change our perception and reaction to how others behave ~ a tall order on some days I know. Clearly this week has been more challenging than most.
With that said, I will still always speak out for what I believe is right in the world, recognizing that sometimes it can make a difference. {Now you know ~ don't understimate the power of a voice{s} combined with social media}. I will also continue to create, so that means it's back to business as usual over here. I thought today's painting was a good fit for this sentiment. Since my characters often hold hands in my paintings, this is a sign that I still {mostly} believe in the good in all people.
And you see in all the energy put towards this, I completely forgot to say thank you to Amy for inviting me to share some thoughts over at her beautiful blog this week.
to my lovely creative community ~ have a great weekend. xo
{click here to buy original}