Let me re-phrase that if Garbo had a man her wish would be that he serenade her with this song. Then again, she's a cat. She's pretty independent and she probably doesn't need a man. Let's just say her name suits her.
For those of you who have cats, maybe you understand. Moments where Garbo will calmly sit in my lap like this are few and far between, so I cherish them when I get them :)
I was just having a creative thursday evening, working away on a new project at my desk, listening to iTunes shuffle when Garbo came over for a visit while this song was playing. I snatched her up and on day 15 of the video blogging, Garbo joins me in a silent, "song moment", courtesy of Lenny Kravitz and his song "More than Anything in this World".
{Then again this video could be one of those "proud parent" moments, one where only I will appreciate it. If so you might just have to humor me!}