Sean woke up to me singing "Yes We Can" from this video.
This is one of the most, if not the most exciting days in history in my lifetime. I am glued to the television as we await our new president.
With all the excitement surrounding this time and this day, I could not resist painting my own interpretation of the saying that accompanies this past campaign and Barack Obama. You could say this is also my first official self-portrait, because this is the first painting where I have included myself as one of the characters ~That is me in the center, with my signature yellow boots of course, :) with Olive and Eli at my side.
Today means so much for so many reasons and most of all that Together We CAN!!!!
Much more than a celebration for just our country, this is a time of change for all of us.
Have a beautiful inauguration day where ever you are in the world.
also available as a print at the shop
*Edit* later today ~ It's here. We have a new president!!! And I've never been so inspired ~ by a president that is.