5.5 x 7.5
I've had these oval wood panels for months and from the moment I saw them, I had this idea of painting animals in more of a portrait style. As I've mentioned before on this blog, it's always fun for me to mix things up creatively and try something new. So this is the first in a series of three...and by the title above, I'm sure you can guess what the other images will be.
Still basking in the excitement of yesterday, I'm off to paint ceramics...bowls this time!
Also before I head out, I want to say a quick thank you to some bloggers, Indie Fixx(thank you Jen for ALL your support this year!), Etsy Stalker and The Red Deer, who have included my work in some really fun Etsy groupings. With Etsy growing at the rate that it is, I love that so many people are selecting and sharing their favorite creations, so we can easily find more beautiful work! One of these days soon I'll have to return the love and post some (because I have SO many) of my Etsy favorites. Until then, my list of thanks is endless to all the people who continue to share my work. THANK YOU!!!!